Monday 20 March 2023


Report by Duncan Williams 

As the winter season comes to an end, people around the world are gearing up to celebrate the Spring Equinox, a time when the length of day and night are nearly equal. This year, the Spring Equinox falls on March 20th, marking the official start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Spring Equinox, also known as the vernal equinox, occurs when the Earth's axis is neither tilted towards nor away from the sun. This causes the sun's rays to be evenly distributed across the Earth's surface, resulting in nearly equal amounts of daylight and darkness.

For many cultures, the Spring Equinox is a time of renewal and rebirth. In ancient times, it was celebrated as the start of the agricultural season, when farmers would plant their crops and prepare for the warmer months ahead. Today, it is still celebrated in many parts of the world as a time of new beginnings and fresh starts.

One holiday that coincides with the Spring Equinox is Ostara, a pagan festival that celebrates the return of spring and the fertility of the land. Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess of spring and fertility, and is often associated with the symbols of eggs and rabbits, both of which represent fertility and new life.

During Ostara, many people participate in rituals and ceremonies to honour the changing of the seasons. Some people may decorate their homes and altars with flowers and brightly coloured eggs, while others may gather in nature to honour the Earth and the changing of the seasons.

While the Spring Equinox and Ostara may have different meanings and traditions for different cultures, both celebrate the beauty and wonder of the natural world and the cycles of life and death that shape our world. As we welcome the arrival of spring, let us take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons and the power of nature to renew and sustain life.


Farm shops have become increasingly popular in recent years, as consumers become more interested in buying fresh, organic, locally produced food. For some West Country farmers, a farm shop could be a great way to sell their products directly to consumers, while also supporting the local economy. In this article, Pulman's Weekly News explores how our farmers could launch their own farm shop and make it a success.

Step 1: Identify Your Products and Market

The first step in launching a successful farm shop is to identify the products you want to sell and the market you want to target. You may already have a good idea of what products you want to sell, but it's worth doing some market research to ensure that there is demand for your products in your local area.

In addition to the products you grow or raise on your farm, you may also want to consider selling other locally produced goods, such as cheese, bread, or honey. This can help you to offer a wider range of products and attract more customers.

Step 2: Choose a Location

The next step is to choose a location for your farm shop. Ideally, you want a location that is easily accessible for customers and has plenty of parking. You may also want to consider a location that is visible from the road, as this can help to attract passing trade.

If you have an existing farm building that you can convert into a shop, this can be a good option. Alternatively, you may want to consider seeking planning permission and building a new shop on your farm or renting a space in a nearby town or village.

Step 3: Develop a Business Plan

Before you launch your farm shop, it's important to develop a business plan. This should include details on your products, your target market, your pricing strategy, and your marketing plan.

We are very fortunate in East Devon, South Somerset and West Dorset to have a ready supply of visitors during the holiday seasons. These tourists can make very good customers. But outside of these potential boom months, will the number of local shoppers be enough to keep the business afloat? Remember to bear this in mind when doing your business plan.

You'll also need to consider your other costs, such as rent, utilities, and staff wages, as well as your projected revenue. This will help you to determine whether your farm shop is financially viable and identify any potential challenges or risks.

Step 4: Obtain the Necessary Permits and Licenses

Once you have a business plan in place, you'll need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses to operate your farm shop. This may include a food handler's permit, a retail license, insurance and necessary safety certificates.

You'll also need to ensure that your products comply with any relevant food safety regulations and labelling requirements.

Step 5: Set Up Your Shop

With your permits and licenses in place, you can start setting up your farm shop. This may include purchasing equipment, such as refrigerators and display cases, as well as shelving, signage, and other decor to make your shop attractive and welcoming to customers.

When setting up your shop, it's important to consider the layout and flow of the space. You want to make sure that customers can easily navigate the shop and find what they're looking for. You may also want to consider offering samples of your products to encourage customers to try them.

Step 6: Market Your Farm Shop

Finally, you'll need to market your farm shop to attract customers. This may include advertising in local newspapers, websites or on social media, hosting events or tastings, and reaching out to local businesses and organisations to offer your products.

You may also want to consider offering loyalty programmes or discounts to encourage repeat customers, as well as online ordering and delivery to reach customers who may not be able to visit your shop in person.

All in all, launching a farm shop could be a great way for West Country farmers to sell their products directly to consumers and support the local economy. By following these steps and developing a clear plan, farmers can start thinking about ways to create a successful and profitable farm shop that meets the needs of their target market and provides a unique and valuable rural shopping experience for customers.

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